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30 under 30 - Frequently Asked Questions


What makes someone worthy of an eFIXX 30 under 30 award?

An eFIXX 30 under 30 award winner is someone who significantly contributes to your organisation and is willing to go above and beyond.  They may have overcome adversity to fill the role they currently hold or may act as a source of inspiration and motivation for colleagues. They may have solved business problems or taken on extra responsibilities and exceeded expectations with how they have handled them. They may have implemented changes to the business that improved productivity, delighted customers or improved profitability. 

Who can enter?

Nominations should be for someone actively working within the electrical installation industry - electricians, technicians, apprentices and engineers.  Candidates can be self-employed, work within a larger organisation or small business. 

Who can nominate a candidate?

We are looking for nominations from people with a detailed knowledge of the candidate's work and career journey; this could be an employer, colleague, client or supplier.

What is the age limit?

The title says it all; the nominee has to be under 30 on the 1st January 2024.

Can I nominate myself?

Yes, you can, but you will still need to provide references to support your application.

How do I nominate someone?

Complete the nomination form and submit it via the eFIXX awards website.

What happens after an entry is submitted?

We will triage entries and request additional information from the nominee. Completed entries will be judged by the judging panel, who may ask for more details from referees. 

When will the 30 under 30 winners be notified?

Winners will be notified on a special episode of eFIXX TV, further details soon to come.

When is the entry deadline?

Nominations must be submitted by the 29th February 2024.

Can I nominate more than one person?

You can nominate as many people as you’d like. And you can nominate employees, colleagues, subcontractors, customers and friends.

Will the nominees be told who nominated them?

Yes. The nominees will be told that they were nominated and need to fill out an additional online form to complete the nomination. If a nomination is a duplicate, we will only inform them of the first person to nominate them.

Does being nominated multiple times help my nominee?

No. The judges look mainly at the submission and associated evidence from the nominees themselves. While you may want to ensure that your nominee was considered and nominated, it won’t make a difference. 

Why do I have to complete the nomination if I was already nominated?

Nominees won’t always have the full information about candidates. Therefore we go to the individual candidates themselves and ask them to tell us themselves what they’ve done. Your nomination is judged mainly on what you put in this form — the information you provide and how clear it is.

What will happen if I don’t complete the nomination form?

If you have been nominated but you do not complete the nominee form you will not be eligible for the eFIXX 30 under 30, and your information will not be sent to the judges for consideration.

I received an e-mail saying I was nominated; what do I do now?

Congratulations, someone has nominated you for the 30 under 30 class of 2024. There is a two-step nomination process to follow. To accept the nomination, you must fill out the online nominee form no later than 29th February 2024. The form includes questions about your work, projects you have worked on, career achievements, training accomplishments. It also asks for references. The e-mail you received telling you that you were nominated includes a link to the nominee form.

Will I get a trophy?

Yes. Successful candidates will be awarded a memento for the occasion.


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